Friday, September 17, 2010

Creative Meeting

Well, unannounced to me the Poker Campaign has been cancelled. So, I have nothing to do. 

On the upside, today is Friday. And as is customary on a Friday at MeringCarson, lunch is usually an event. On this Friday a majority of the creative department went to RoundTable pizza for a lunch buffet. 
I ate pizza and played air hockey. It was great. 

But now there is a Creative Meeting that goes on for 2 hours. It sounds scary to me. What am I suppost to do? I feel unprepared. Are we going to get yelled at? Aw geez. I'll let you know how it goes.

See yaa.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Poker Face

My apologies again for the lack of updates. I promise, and this time I mean it, to keep you on the up-swing of things. 

Since the big success of my first campaign I have been specially requested by our creative director (Greg) to participate in this Poker Room project. The look of the photography is there, it is my job to come up with lines to stick into them. 

And knowing nothing about poker, this is hard. I am feeling the pressure to perform well too. As my internship is coming to the end, I feel that a potential job at MeringCarson is riding on this campaign, on my kicking ass on this one. 

I was told on my birthday, while having a birthday beer with my boss, that everyone here likes me. He is 75% sure I will get hired, except it is a matter of budget. I have to prove that I am worth the money. I think this is stressing me out and closing my mind to creativity. 

I just need to relax, and let it come to me. Poker. Poker. Poker. Poker. Sacramento's Premier Poker Room..... Poker. Poker. Poker. 

Send me your creative vibes.  

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Presentation

Today is totally Friday the 13th, not a particularly good day to have your first client presentation on.

But we dominated. Went in and owned. We presented our three concepts : My Backyard, I am Sierra, and Keepin' it Real. All included my copy. My headlines and for keeping it real- it was my concept.

Guess which one they loved?

Yes that is right. Keepin' It Real is (unofficially as of now) the campaign for the 2010/2011 Winter Season for Sierra at Tahoe.

I hope I am not jinxing this. It is Friday the 13th after all. But a very good one!

Now what to do with the rest of the day?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Mad Men and Mentors

After learning that AMC's Mad Men is about advertising I had to watch.
I rented the first season from work and.... finished the entire 13 episodes in one weekend.
I was hooked. I knew exactly what they were talking about and I knew the thrill they were feeling when creating something spectacular.

Anyways. I view my office totally differently- well not really. I don't expect to be chased around and forced to show my underwear color or have sex with anyone here. But still, where there were people in the office before, now there are characters.

Also my "mentor" aka Senior Copywriter here at MeringCarson has shared some gems with me that I would like to note.

"it's better to continue to think in campaigns. always do that"

this gem won't really help you right now, but it's good advice. I always keep a running list of sayings. 
If I hear a popular saying or truism, I write it down. Because they ALWAYS make great formulas for taglines or campaign themelines. 
so, if someone says to you 'To each his own' or whatever. write it down."

My notebook is going everywhere with me now! Before you know it I will be a Donald Draper of my very own. Minus the sleeping around and smoking.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Now What?

The problem with having a stroke of genius one day is that people now expect you to deliver the goods the next day.

Which is exactly the opposite of what I did today. I played Angry Birds all day. Like the ENTIRE 6 hours. Oh and I looked up some synonyms for "real"
- genuine
- bona fide
- unaltered
- untouched
- natural
- perfect
- kosher

There, see I did work!

Hopefully tomorrow proves to be more inspired. I need to rock this campaign!

Ta Ta

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Post Meeting

I survived. In fact I did more than survive, I thrived.
Our creative director loved my copy. I was practically beaming from the inside out. But I had to keep my cool, there was a lot of people in there- which, of course you could imagine, added to by supreme nervousness in the beginning.

But I will just gloat in my success.... now off to make them better and lend my currently inspired state to another client.

But for now I think that I proved myself a little bit. I can play with the big dogs- or at least the medium sized ones.

The Meeting pt. 2

Our second "internal review" has been pushed back to today. ten minutes from now. 

I am nervous. Like just as nervous as I was the morning I woke up to present the State Farm 101 campaign. But i'm not sure why. I feel unprepared I guess. Yep that is it, and I hate feeling unprepared. but whatever. here it goes.